Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.
We wonder if life is worth the effort. During life’s trials the enemy will feed negative messages through our own thoughts, as well as, negative messages from others. The enemy works through people to also fill us with thoughts of fear and doubt. Be aware, those opinions are likely due to their own inadequacies caused by the enemy. Similarly Eve heard enemy’s voice in the Garden of Eden which tempted her to doubt God’s Love.
Life is a battery of constant tests; which physically distress our bodies. Loss has many forms; loss of family, friends, finances, health. Loss causes both physical and emotional stress. Although we know that our loved ones in Christ, are in a far better place when they transition from this earthly plane; our sadness is related to no longer having their presence. Emotional loss is just as tragic as physical. The person has physically withdrawn, in divorce or for other circumstances.
Sleep disturbance an effect of grief, also harmful to our health. Sleep disturbance can manifest as interrupted rest, too much or too little sleep. Thus, the need for positive grief management and coping strategies is essential. Jesus and His Word are positive coping mechanisms; additional stress management is established through music therapy, aroma therapy, physical exercise, and of healthy eating. God works positive strategies for a beneficial outcome.
Typically, acute grief last 6-12 months and gradually resolves. Chronic low-grade stress triggered by persistent grief however; causes inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Psychotherapy or counseling are options when grief is persistent. Do not be proud, discouraged or afraid.
God has not promise us a grief free life; health, success and financial security are short lived. “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” Isiah 40:8 (NKJV) Jesus says, “If we keep our focus on His Word, He will keep us in perfect peace.” Fear not and do not be discouraged during life’s tests. We are never alone. We have the strength of God to carry us through our trials.
Our Father wants us well
Stress is why, when Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to abide in and with us. His Spirit strengthens, comforts and directs us when we trust Him.
Christ is our strength. Psalm 121:1-2, 7 (MSG). “I will look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God who made heaven, earth and mountains.” V 7 continues, “God guards you from evil, He guards your very life.” (MSG).
The Bible tells us 365 times to fear not. God knew in this life we would need daily reminders to avoid fear and discouragement.
“Sometimes life can weigh upon your shoulders; pressure, too heavy for me to shoulder. But when I just hand it over, you take control. I find my life when I lose it in you. I gain control when I give my life to you. I save myself when I let you save me. The best thing I can do for me is you. I am glad I have a friend in this life fight.” Jonathan McReynolds.
“Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish In the courts of our God. They shall bear fruit in old age. They shall be fresh and flourishing to declare that the Lord is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” Psalm 92: 13-15 (NKJV).
Thought management
Memorize and keep His Word on our lips, in our hearts; guard our hearts with all diligence. Proverbs 4: 20-24 (MSG) says, “20 Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice. 21 Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! 22 Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they’re bursting with health. 23 Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts.”
I believe that where our thoughts dwell, we experience the consequences thereof. By meditating on God’s promises and His love, our bodies become health filled and whole; physically, emotionally and psychologically. We are not living this life alone. Give control to Him. We mentally taking control of every situation in our lives, thus God rests and allows us to work. However, when we trust, rest, and leave the mental and emotional heavy work to Him, God works. Remember He respects free will.
Unfortunately, this transference of our will is not as easy as it sounds. Consequently, start small, eventually trust more with practice. If you are like me, you will find you give a problem to God and take it back again. I had many years of this back and forth trusting, but having many life problems outside of my control, I became exhausted, and submitted to God. Hopefully you will not be as stubborn as I. We are not in this life fight alone. Do not fear of be discouraged.