A lifeless desert survives
Lifeless: an alternate or synonym is Spiritless, lacking energy or enthusiasm. While a desert survives lifeless, we may not if we do not respond to God and His will. God charged us to love our neighbors. One action of love is the defense of human rights. We are weak, but we are strong with God’s Grace, our ancestors knew this. For Jesus says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
We may feel bogged down with the cares of life, feeling monopolized, victimized, and marginalized. God’s Spirit gives us the power to be productive in the matters of importance. If we avoid responsibility for example, our civil, community, familial responsibilities, regret will follow.
Civil responsibility begins here, voter’s registration, are we registered and ready to vote? Have we done the research required not only to vote for the presidential candidates but the non partisan candidates as well? Do we know which candidates propose to embrace our beliefs and values?
What is Gerrymandering? The political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the intent to create undue advantage for a party, group, or socioeconomic class within the constituency. For example, the voters in an urban area can be split among several districts in each of which the majority of voters are suburban, on the presumption that the two groups would vote differently, and the suburban voters would be far more likely to get their way in elections. https://www.britannica.com/topic/gerrymandering
Further, S.E. Michigan districts were realigned for the Detroit City Council and the State Senate over the past year. Will there be a Gerrymandering effect? Looks the plan was to give citizens little input on the matter. I pray that you were more prudent and proactive, than I on this issue, feelings of spiritlessness and lifelessness.
The Detroit City Council is plans to finalize redrawn City Council districts by January of 2024, prompting a mad rush to present alternatives to the existing political landscape ‒ but with little time for residents to weigh in on the new district maps. Some Detroit voters will be placed in a different City Council district for 2025. Malachi Barrett, Bridge Detroit/Alex B Hill, Detroit Free Press. November 29,2023
Additionally, political involvement is not a luxury, it’s an obligation. The first step is to cast our votes in every election. We must vote in scores, our ancestors understood this and sacrificed that we would have this right. Women and people of our cultural heritage fought and continue to fight for all the rights of American Citizenship.
I have yet to understand why some people of color fall for the lies of Trump and the right wing; They cannot possibly think these people advocate for people of color. The only possible answer is that they suffer from Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder, but that’s another discussion.
Indigenous people (Native Americans, Hawaiians) were the first populations to inhabit North America. Of course, people of African heritage are also not immigrants, we were brought here as captives, the slaughtered and abused. But every other culture migrated and has always felt intimidated by productive and well educated people of color, e.g. the immigrants from Haiti, and other legal immigrants.
Ironically, the discussion about the impact of the Native American vote is nill. Perhaps it is because they are targeted for voter suppression, as the African American and Latino voters are and soon to be impacted by project 2025 if Trump is reelected. A 2019 article speaks to the need for Federal Legislation to address Native Voter Suppression. More literature in 2020 speaks to how the Native American vote continues to be suppressed.
Predominantly in Alaska, the Western and Midwestern United States | |
California | 631,016[1] |
Oklahoma | 332,791[1] |
Arizona | 319,512[1] |
Texas | 278,948[1] |
New Mexico | 212,241[1] |
Above are numbers of larger populations of potential political constituents. Should people of color become shrewd enough, we would all unite to advocate for the rights of every black and brown person on the planet. I have heard it said that the civil rights fight and act were not just for one culture…but the struggle goes on.
Within the browning of America, we definitely need to make our voices heard. “Later for project 2025″. We are not going back!! Register and Vote, your voice counts. Do not be apathetic, lifeless and spiritless. Voter registration is open until October 21st, early voting is available in Michigan cities, many have already cast their ballots. Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th, our final election opportunity. I love the Public Service Announcement that warns, “Voting is confidential, but our voting record is public. Don’t walk the walk of shame.” Don’t miss this opportunity to stand strong for our human rights and our democracy.