God’s Glory is His character, authority, power, and wisdom. These adjectives describe the essence of God. We are charged to clothe ourselves in the Glory of God. David laments in Psalm 3 as he is fleeing for his life from his son Absalom, who desires David’s position as king. 3 “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high” Psalms 3:3 | NIV. 

Glory, the Oxford Dictionary definition: renowned or honored, won by notable achievements. Similarly, the Life Application Bible (LAB) describes Glory, as honor bestowed, splendor or magnificence, a distinguishing quality, asset, or attribute…”

David relies on our Heavenly Father’s Glory daily. Additionally, Jesus shares His Glory with His disciples and all who believe in the Gospel message. Jesus prays to our Father, 22 “I have given them the Glory that you gave me, that they may be one, as we are one— 23 I in them and You in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity” John 17:22-23a | NIV. John’s quotation, makes it clear that Jesus wants to convey His Glory to us.

We give God Glory by submitting to His instruction and blessing others. 23 “Moses and Aaron then went into the tent of meeting. When they came out, they blessed the people; and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people” Leviticus 9:23 | NIV. We are given Glory, not to elevate us to arrogance, but to empower us to love one another as He loves us. God wants us as one unit with Himself. Since God is Love, we are charged to love.

We clothe ourselves in His Glory and fulfill His desires for us by sincere respect for one another. 22 “Now that you have purified yourselves by adhering to the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24 “All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25 but the word of the Lord endures forever” 1 Peter 1:22-25a | NIV. We are believers; therefore, we have the enduring Glory of God, we are His and He is ours. 

CeCe Winans in exhortation, sings, That’s My King, “God is Wonderful, Beautiful, Glorious, Holy, Merciful and Powerful. He is our Shepard, Rock, Anchor, and Defender.” Powerful lyrics penned by Taylor Agan, Lloyd Nicks, Kellie Gamble, and Jess Russ. 

Leaving Egypt, the Israelites were ready for war as they left Sukkoth and camped at Etham on the edge of the desert. However, they had no need for battle, as God’s Glory lead them toward the promised land. Covered with cloud by day which safeguarded, and reassured them that God was with them, they were protected from the Pharaoh who was in hot pursuit to kill them. Fire by night, a guiding light and warmth in the cool air of the night.

21 “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. 22 Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people” Exodus 13:21-22 | NIV.  Our faithful God united with the people as they journeyed from Egypt.

Our confidence differs slightly, no cloud or fire, still supernatural. We have His Spirit for guidance and protection. We are also given an angelic defense shield. 9 “If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge’, and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your dwelling.11 For God will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” Psalms 91:9c-11 | NIV.

The Life application Bible explains, “ God is our refuge, a shelter when we are afraid. The writer’s faith in God carried him through all the dangers and fears of life. This should be a picture of our trust—trading our fears for faith in Him, no matter how intense our fears. To do this we must abide or dwell in Him. Entrusting ourselves to His protection and pledging our daily devotion to Him, we will be kept safe.”

Why? Because we have more than a relationship with God. Accepting, believing and trusting in Him, we accept His Glory, alive in us. We are in unity with the most high God; as He is in us and we are in Him. Therefore, clothe yourselves in His Glory; unwavering, He is our Glory, the lifter of our heads. 

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