Mathew 5:3
I heard someone say, “Faith is thinking highly of God. I would argue that Faith is not only thinking highly of God, but holding God in the highest regard! Knowing in your mind and believing in your heart that there is no power in this universe more powerful than our Heavenly Father! He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent! He knew us before the foundation of the world, He created us and knows everything about every cell in our bodies.
There are many facets of grief: loss of employment, loss of a friendship, death or physical transition, loss due to the pandemic, As High and powerful as our Heavenly Father is, that is how tender and infinite His love for us. He cares that you are grieving. While there is a time for grief, Grief can be overwhelming. We know the scripture from Mathew 5:3 (msg) reads, “You are blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”
We have God’s comforter within, His Holy Spirit and His Word buried in our hearts. These are basic coping mechanism that have been graciously supplied to us.