We are not alone
Often, we have had temporary victories in our lives; behaviors from the past that were positive. We found these behaviors easily accomplished. Did the victories last? Did we feel alone in our endeavors? Was this a source of frustration?
Ask yourself:
a. What changes have I made in the past that were successful?
b. What aspects of my life have I been successful?
c. What changes come naturally to me?
d. Are there past successes that will help with my current lifestyle?
e. What was easily accomplished in my past, that is useful to implement now?
Evidence shows that lifestyle affects our health by approximately fifty percent. Often health care professionals provide a formula for health modification, medications, exercise, dietary changes. There are also wellness programs that employ psychological interventions to enhance positive behavioral change. There is evidence to support the success of these programs to assist people with making positive lifestyle changes. Zhou, et.al. (2016), Burton, et. al (2010), Kobau, R., (2011).
Further, research has evaluated the role of Self-determination in health promotion, Hawks, et.al., (1995) Miller, W.M., (2015), and various colleagues, have conducted research focused on the importance of supporting people in feeling self-sufficient based on theories of self-determination and self-motivation. This research has been conducted over decades. The findings show that people do best when they have an active role in shared decision making, regarding their health.
Stress and disease are synonymous terms. This is why our Heavenly Father wants us to allow Him to help with our challenges. We have not been left alone in this life. We have the Word of God for support and direction. God’s Word is living and relevant. Chose an interpretation of the Bible that speaks to you. A translation that makes the Word plain for you. My preference is the Message translation. Many translations are digital and easily accessed with minimal monetary investment. Deuteronomy 11: 18-19 (MSG), reads, “Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. v19 Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night.”
Psalm 9:1-2 (MSG), “I am thanking you God, from a full heart, I am writing the book of your wonders. I am whistling, laughing and jumping for joy; I am singing your song, High God!” Jesus says in John 16:33 (MSG), I have told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”
God will be with us through any challenge we face. There is no problem too small or too great for us to call for His help. There may be times when we do not feel his presence, He is there all the same. I can say with certainly, when I look back on challenges I have faced, our Heavenly Father has always been with me. Not that I have deserved His faithfulness or devotion toward me. We do not have to earn His love and kindness toward us. He is our perfect parent and wants to love and keep us close for safety. Jesus died at Calvary to give us this privilege, right even, to the goodness of our Father. He restored our relationship into God’s family. Our only obligation is to believe this fact.
Your health care provider is a also partner in your health. Never abruptly discontinue any therapy or medications without the advice of your health care professional. As you progress in your faith and your health status improves, your health care professional will advised you by making necessary changes in your medication and therapies.